5 Tips to Engage Your Family During the Holidays

The Holidays are ultimately on a mission to bring us together, and keep us close. Which may seem more important for the older and the very young, but is profoundly essential to us all. Family, friends, and community are ‘the source’ for healthy productive lives; and the Holidays boost our critical interconnectedness. 

So we decided to survey our friends, colleagues, psychologists, teachers, elder care professionals, singles, couples and kids of all ages, and collectively came up with these Essential Tips For the Holidays: 

  1. COME TOGETHER! If at all possible – gather in person. Embrace and spend as much time as you can together with family, friends and loved ones. Yes, it may be awkward or stressful at times, but this is the time to ‘be with’, to give and receive love.  

  2. SHARE: first and foremost time with each other, but also food, laughs, personal updates, gifts, memories, stories, and a whole lot of appreciation.  Enjoy giving, receiving, and doing things together. Cooking, decorating, and even cleaning-up are merrier and better together. 

  3. GET OUT (Together:). If you can – hit the slopes, the hot tub or the beach… jog, play ball, enjoy a hike, a leisurely walk or post meal stroll. Nature calls and is sure to change the mood, feed the souls, and lift the spirits.

  4. Engage in joint (non competitive) Art Projects : 

    • DANCE. Get out of your chairs and move with the groove. It may be hard to get started, but you won’t want to stop. 

    • SING, together or in turns, perhaps karaoke… great fun to join in song!

    • WRITTEN WORD PROJECTS – family poetry slams, making-up  or reading stories together create intimacy and closeness.  

    • PAINT together. Our family has a tradition of drawing each other’s portraits, or favorite icons together; last year we each drew one of the Beatles, this year we’re planning David Bowie personas… this makes for hours of quality time together, inspired by favorite playlists, at times in silence, often talkative, humorous and close.  

    • Whatever gets your family creative juices flowing – celebrate it!

  5. Perhaps most importantly – Leave No One Out. Please! Even if they say they want to be alone, or cannot make it, even if it was stressful in the past… find a way. Consider their ‘love language’ and be sure all are invited, welcome, and cherished. 

And, if you are looking for a ‘magic sauce’:  The Holidays and Hanukkah Interview Games are Here – guaranteed to elevate your Holiday experience and time together.

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