Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do I get when I buy an Interview Game?
You get your Interview Game edition, and an Interview Game account where you can access your game/s anytime. During the pandemic Interview Games are played in person or online over Zoom (or your favorite video conference app). Each Interview game includes easy-to-follow instructions, helpful suggestions, and most importantly, 40 to 60 carefully selected questions designed to engage, entertain, inform—and bring players closer to one another. You can play the game as many times as you want. We highly recommend you RECORD your interview through your favorite video conference app to capture a video memento—an actual Oral History—of your loved ones at no extra cost.
2. How many questions are included?
Each Interview Game contains 40 to 60 carefully selected questions and/or prompts designed to deepen connections—and capture memories—for life.
3. How did you choose the questions to include?
These are not your typical ice breaker questions. We were inspired by Arthur Aron, Ph.D., who developed “The 36 Questions that Lead to Love,” which boosted intimacy among thousands of strangers. In addition, we select and set our questions and prompts in carefully developed sequences that spark inspired, illuminating conversations that flow effortlessly.
4. How does the Interview Game Work?
5. What is the objective of the Interview Game?
When designing the Interview Game, we wanted to help players truly “see each other” and spark authentic, fun, inspired conversations. At the same time, players have the opportunity to tell and honor the stories of their relationships. But perhaps best of all, players can record their interviews and capture one-of-a-kind time capsules of the special bonds they share with family members and friends—at no extra cost.
6. How long does it take to play?
We recommend scheduling about an hour to complete the game. But players often find they enjoy the game for hours because the fun, intimate conversations create that ever-elusive quality time.
7. Why play one-on-one?
One-on-one communication is the foundation of interconnectivity. While our society’s technological advancements increase our capacities to share and communicate with the masses, they do little to nourish intimate conversations and connections. The Interview Game is the antidote to our texting culture.
8. Why play in a ‘group’?
The special 2020 Holidays FAMILY edition is our first ‘group’ game, specifically created for families who cannot gather in person during the pandemic, to safely connect, celebrate each other, and commemorate the 2020 holidays together. More Group Interview Games are coming soon. TiG group games are a lot of fun, and while the one-on-one editions create unparalleled intimacy -- the group games serve as antidotes to Covid19 induced isolation and loneliness, bringing families and loved ones together to learn more about each other and have fun connecting meaningfully.
9. How do I host an Interview Game?
10. Can you share some examples of the questions included in each game?
Each Interview Game includes 40-60 questions and generally starts with questions about the past:
What is a favorite early memory you have of me?
Where did you grow up?
What do you miss from the time and place of your childhood?
As the Interview Game progresses, a prompt might focus on humor or a quick survey:
Tell each other a very funny thing you’ve seen, heard or done.
Which do you prefer? — Beach or Pool? Hotel or Tent? Big Party or Small Gathering?
Questions are also sometimes presented in a specific sequence to capture a story:
Where is your mother's family from? Where is your father’s family from? Have you ever been there? What was that experience like?
Each Interview Games includes questions related to its particular theme that are designed to help players share personal, familial, and cultural histories and perspectives:
What does your Rite of Passage mean to you?
Could you have imagined the circumstances we live in today, a half a year ago? What has this crisis taught you?
Towards the end, the focus is on gratitude and the future:
Name three things you appreciate about each other.
What is the most amazing, positive future you can imagine for yourself?
State an intention for your relationship in the year 2021.
To make sure players haven’t missed anything important, every game ends with an open-ended question that gives players a chance to keep sharing.