Life Story Interview


A One-on-One 60 minute style Zoom interview with experienced professional Interviewers from the Interview Game team.

At a fraction of the cost of in-person interviews, our interviews are recorded on Zoom, slightly edited, delivered and safely preserved.

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A One-on-One 60 minute style Zoom interview with experienced professional Interviewers from the Interview Game team.

At a fraction of the cost of in-person interviews, our interviews are recorded on Zoom, slightly edited, delivered and safely preserved.

A One-on-One 60 minute style Zoom interview with experienced professional Interviewers from the Interview Game team.

At a fraction of the cost of in-person interviews, our interviews are recorded on Zoom, slightly edited, delivered and safely preserved.


“My deepest regret is that I did not record my parents' life journeys.”

Justin, Los Ángeles


How it works:

  • Step 1: Preparation (before the interview) – a 15 minute private consultation on Zoom to manage technology and set expectations.

  • Step 2: The Interview – a 60 - 75 minute professional Zoom Interview including set up, sound check, and the Life Story Interview.

  • Step 3: Delivery – The Interview is trimmed, safely stored, and ready to be shared with family and loved ones. A Keepsake for life.


“It had never occurred to me the effect that telling my story would have on me. It was as if someone came to my house and repaired the broken parts in the Foundation… It solidified the story of who I am, and I am so glad I did it, as a gift to my daughters, grandchildren and anyone in my life that might benefit from my life or be inspired decades from now.”

Barbara, Colorado

“...I knew the stories, but seeing her so vividly… her familiar gestures, her quirky smile, her laugh, how she got emotional and fell silent… – it totally brings her to life. Such a gift to share this with my kids, and preserve mom for generations to come.”

Marian, London

"Thrilled to have done this with all my grandparents, and to have the recordings saved.”

Aaron, New York